Use "wriggle|wriggles" in a sentence

1. Apparently they wriggle around.

2. She managed to wriggle free.

3. Really, it was one continuous wriggle.

4. 21 Keep still, and don't wriggle.

5. Don't try to wriggle out of your responsibilities.

6. Don't let Tom wriggle out of helping you.

7. He had to wriggle his way out.

8. Don't wriggle your maggot in her face.

9. And Bogeymen don't wriggle; that would be unseemly

10. They managed to wriggle through the thick hedge.

11. She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions.

12. They move Assonantly towards each other, but ‘Girl’ refuses to sit still: it wriggles free

13. I've got an appointment I can't wriggle out of.

14. How did he wriggle out of the awkward situation?

15. He is trying to wriggle out of his various domestic commitments.

16. He tried desperately to wriggle out of giving a clear answer.

17. With a wriggle, she managed to crawl through the gap.

18. He tried to wriggle out of it,( ) as usual.

19. After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free.

20. She would die rather than roll her eyes and wriggle and blush.

21. Why bother to wriggle out of accepting that Ecclestone was a fat donor?

22. The old skin breaks near the mouth and the snake wriggles out, aided by rubbing against rough surfaces.

23. He tried to wriggle round the man with money,but he failed.

24. They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms.

25. He clutched the child tightly as she again tried to wriggle free.

26. I managed to wriggle free of him and then to push him aside.

27. Professor Keller was curious about many things: why teapots dribble or how earthworms wriggle.

28. He promised he'd help me decorate, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.

29. In the Store there was always something to get behind or under or wriggle through ....

30. There must be something wrong with this machine,[]you can't wriggle out of it.

31. I watched her shuffle, wriggle and avert her eyes while we made stilted conversation about our lives.

32. So much so that she remembers trying to wriggle her face away from it without success.

33. The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents.

34. 23 He promised he'd help me decorate, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.

35. The tunnel was low and dark, but she managed to wriggle through to the other side.

36. The snake makes it wriggle so that the apparently disembodied filament appears to be some kind of succulent worm.

37. It's your turn to take the dog for a walk don't try to wriggle out of it.

38. Squeeze along on your hands and knees, then wriggle flat on your stomach, and you may reach an underground cavern.

39. Sin becomes the consequence of sin. We find ourselves entrapped and enslaved, and like a luckless trout, we cannot wriggle free.

40. Desperate attempts to find wriggle room to justify or excuse bad decisions are a waste of time and creative energy.

41. A dropped tail continues to wriggle, keeping the attention of the predator focused on it while the prey makes its escape.

42. Even if the individual cells are separated, they wriggle along like amoebas until they come together and build up into whole sponges again.”

43. Wise women will have insisted on binding conditions before entering into a marriage with a polygamist. Your friend must have found a way to wriggle out of these – or he's hiding his pain.

44. 'After all, facts are facts, and although we may quote one to another with a chuckle the words of the Wise Statesman, "Lies - damn lies - and statistics," still there are some easy figures the simplest must understand, and the Astutest cannot wriggle out of.’

45. The Cliffhanger is the hook that makes the reader turn the page, but if you don’t have a solid line supporting them across the gap and a sinker that pulls them deep into the next scene or chapter, your fish is likely to wriggle off and swim away.

46. 'After all, facts are facts, and although we may quote one to another with a chuckle the words of the Wise Statesman (presumably Disraeli), "Lies - damn lies - and statistics," still there are some easy figures the simplest must understand, and the Astutest cannot wriggle out of.

47. Borborygmi It's a fantastic word Bor-Bor-yg-mi It means abnormal and loud bowel sounds What a great word It pissing down today and I don't want to venture out more than a frenetic wriggle walk away from the nearest loo just in case! Subsequently I'm a bit bored.